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[ENG] Asset Adjustment

Screen Name

Asset Adjustment

Login – Asset Management – Asset Adjustment


The screen manages the entire list of asset adjustment of the facility



Fields Description

I. Filter and search asset adjustment

  • Search by keywords: Users enter search information in the search box, supporting search by Request No

  • Stauts: Asset adjustment requests have the following statuses:

    • Draft: users can edit information or delete the request when the asset adjustment request is in the draft state

    • Submitted: users cannot edit it but can choose to approve or reject it

    • Approved: When the request is approved

    • Rejected: If it is rejected, the approver can reject it and the user can edit the information and then resubmit it

  • From date - to date: the time range of creating the request

  • Asset name: select the assets that have been created in the request.

  • Create by: select the name of the request creator.

  • Approved by: select the name of the approver

  • Clear all: delete all the previously selected filter conditions.

II. The fields for asset adjustment

  • Click on "Display" to tick the fields of information that the user wants to show

III. The main functions

  • (1) Create an asset adjustment request: to adjust the increase/decrease of one or more assets.

    • Select Asset Appreciation when there is a new purchase or excess asset.

    • Select Asset Liquidation in cases of asset liquidation, damage, or loss...

    • Request No: The system will automatically generate a request code after the user update and save the request.

    • Request date: The date the user creates the request.

    • Created by: The system automatically fills in the information of the user who logs into the system

    • Description: The user enters information related to the adjusted assets.

    • Inventory No: Request code generated from the discrepancy report during inventory check will display the inventory check code information.

    • Description: The user enters information related to the adjusted assets

    • Attach image files, Excel format, PDF, etc. related to asset adjustment.

    • Asset adjustment includes all information related to the type of adjustment, adjusted assets, functional location, asset status, asset condition, current asset quantity, and adjusted quantity increase/decrease. Users need to fill in all required fields marked with an asterisk.

    • Select to “Clear data” to quickly delete the entered fields.

    • Note: When entering the asset code into the adjusted asset field, the system will automatically fill in the functional Location information.

    • After entering the asset adjustment information, in the Approval Flow step, the user selects “Add” to add the approver information. Then, select “Update” to submit the request or select Save Draft if changes need to be made before submitting.

  • (2) View detail

    • Adjustment Type: Asset Appreciation/ Asset Liquidation

    • Asset: Information on the code and name of the adjusted asset.

    • Sap asset code: Asset code on the SAP system.

    • Functional Location: Functional location of the asset.

    • Book Quantity: Current quantity of the asset on the system

    • Quantity transfer: Quantity adjusted the asset.

    • UoM: Unit of measurement of the adjusted asset.

    • Original Value: Original price before and after adjusting the quantity of the asset.

    • Depreciation Duration (Month): Depreciation time before and after adjusting the quantity of the asset.

    • Cost Center Name: Cost center of the adjusted asset.

  • (3) Edit asset transfer request

    • The asset adjustment request can be edited if it is in draft status or has been rejected.

    • The information fields that can be edited are the same as those in the create new asset adjustment request section.

  • (4) Delete asset transfer request

    • The asset adjustment request can only be deleted when it is in draft status.



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