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[ENG] Asset Adjustment Report

Screen Name

Asset Adjustment Report

Login – Asset Management – Asset Reports – Increases/decreases Asset


Report on the analysis of the increase/decrease in the number of assets of a facility


Fields Description

I. Filter and search for Increases/decreases Asset reports

  • Year: Select the year to view the report

  • Group: includes Department name, Profile, Region

    • Can select all or deselect all

    • Depending on the user's permissions, the list of Department, Profile, Region, and Company names will be displayed.

  • Asset Category: Includes all asset categories.

  • Asset level: Depending on the user's permissions, can select by Department, Profile, Region levels

  • Clear all: Clear all previously selected filter conditions

II. Types of charts

Original/Last record chart

  • Original Record:

    • Quantity of assets = Total quantity of all assets recorded before the first day of the year of the units

    • Value of assets = Total remaining value of all assets recorded before the first day of the year of the units

  • Last Record:

    • Quantity of assets = Total quantity of all assets recorded after the last day of the year of the units

    • Value of assets = Total remaining value of all assets recorded after the last day of the year of the units

Asset appreciation status chart

  • Quantity of assets in detailed status: In use/ Damaged/ Lent/ Unresolved discrepancy/ Temporarily inactive/ Surplus assets/ Liquidated = Total quantity of assets in the corresponding status of the units that have increased at the time of the statistics.

  • Asset ratio in detailed status: In use/ Damaged/ Lent/ Unresolved discrepancy/ Temporarily inactive/ Surplus assets/ Liquidated = (Total quantity of assets in the corresponding status of the units that have increased at the time of the statistics / Total quantity of assets increased in the year) * 100

Increases record chart

  • 1. Quantity increased from new purchases = Total quantity of newly created assets that have increased in the year.

  • 2. Quantity increased from approved transfers = |Total assets received - Total assets transferred by the unit in the year|(*)

(* ) = 0 means there is no increase from transfers, > 0 records an increase from transfers

  • 3. Quantity increased from inventory adjustment = Total quantity of assets recorded as increased from asset adjustment vouchers arising from inventory sessions in the approved status (excluding assets recorded as increased but with a system quantity of 0 before the inventory session).

  • Quantity increased from other sources = Quantity increased in the year - (Item 1 + 2 + 3)

  • Similarly, the ratio = (Quantity of each source / Quantity increased in the year) * 100

Decreases record chart

  • 1. Quantity decreased from asset liquidation = Total quantity of fixed assets liquidated in the year, excluding assets liquidated according to item 3.

  • 2.Quantity decreased from confirmed transfers = |Total assets received - Total assets transferred by the unit in the year|(*)

    (* ) = 0 means there is no decrease from transfers, < 0 records a decrease from transfers.

  • 3. Quantity decreased from inventory adjustment = Total quantity of assets recorded as decreased from asset adjustment vouchers arising from inventory sessions in the approved status in the year.

Assets detail report

  • Search box: Enter Asset name, asset code to search

  • Export: To download data in Excel

  • Click on "Display" to tick the fields of information that the user wants to show



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