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[ENG] Available Quantity Report

Screen Name

Available Quantity Report

Login – Inventory - Inventory report – Available Quantity Report


To report the quantity of inventory items of materials of the facilities



Fields Description

I. Filter and search Available Quantity Report

  • Product: Select products that are in the product category synchronized from SAP.

  • Warehouse: Select warehouses that are configured in the Warehouse List.

  • Product category: Select categories that are synchronized from SAP.

  • Clear all: Remove all previously selected filter conditions

II. Available Quantity detail Report

  • Code, Name, Category: Retrieve information that is synchronized from SAP.

  • Warehouse: Retrieve information that belongs to the warehouse configured in the Warehouse List and is also synchronized from SAP.

  • Available Quantity: Retrieve the quantity of material goods that are still in stock according to the inventory checks, which are subtracted on SAP and synchronized from SAP.

  • Export: The system allows users to download all detailed information about the quantity and list of inventory items in an Excel file format. The system will send the file to the user's email address and also to the notification bar.

  • Sync inventory: The system allows users to synchronize product information and inventory quantities for each product category in each warehouse at the latest time. The screen will display the last synchronization time from SAP (only allowing one-way synchronization from SAP to CIAMS)



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