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[ENG] Complaint

Login → Plant Maintenance → Complaint


Simultaneously, create tasks arising from the complaint ticket. The Customer Service Department will assign the tasks to the direct executor or send them to the team leader, who will then delegate the tasks to the appropriate staff members.

1. Creat Complaint

Step 1: Create a New Complaint


Step 2: Fill in the Information

  • Reporter Department: Required

  • Department (If BPCB is a tenant): Required

  • Email (If BPCB is a shopper): Required

  • Reporter Name: Required

  • Reporter Phone: Not Required

  • Time Of Complaint Recording: Required, default is the time when the ticket is opened

  • Complaint Type: Required

=> When selecting the Complaint Type, the system will automatically fill in the corresponding Complaint Group

  • Complaint Group: Required

  • Priority: Required (Automatically generated after selecting the Complaint Type)

  • SLA: Not Required (Automatically generated after selecting the Complaint Type)

  • Functional Location: Required

  • Due Date: Required (Automatically generated after selecting the Complaint Type)

  • Work Center: Required

  • Asset/Equipment: Not Required

  • Assignee: Not Required

  • Complaint Description: Required when opening the complaint ticket

  • Result Description: Only required when closing the complaint ticket

  • Attachments: Not Required



    After creating the Complaint Ticket, the system will automatically open a popup to create the resulting Work Order.
    When the Complaint is in the "In Progress" state, the system will display the "Actual Start Date" field.


Step3: Create the Resulting Work Order (Reference => Add work order arises from complaint)

Fields with information from the Complaint will be pre-filled and editable.
The user selects work center, assignee, and implementer.
The implementer field can select multiple people.


 In the Work Order list screen, users can switch to the "Created from Complaint" tab to view the work orders resulting from complaints.




2. Managing the Complaint Ticket List

 The complaint ticket list displays all information, with the Status column shown first for easy tracking on the Overview screen.



Users can view related and resulting Work Orders in the complaint ticket list.



 Users can choose to display more or fewer information columns in the list.


If the deadline of a complaint ticket is overdue, it will be displayed in red (except for tickets with statuses "Closed" or "Canceled").



3. Status Flow of Complaint and Resulting Work order

  • After creating the resulting Work Order for Complaint and having information on the Assignee or Implement, Complaint will automatically change to the "In Progress" status.

  • If the resulting Work Order changes to "Completed" (an attachment is mandatory), Complaint will automatically switch to "Awaiting Review" status.

  • Complaint can only be closed once the resulting Work Order is closed.

  • It is mandatory to enter the Result Description when changing the status to "Completed."

  • Only a Manager can close the Complaint.

  • When a Complaint is in the "Closed" or "Canceled" status, the user cannot perform any actions on the ticket.

  • Case when Complaint changes to "Canceled"
    -> If the resulting Work Order is in the "In Progress" status, Complaint cannot be canceled.
    -> If the resulting Work Order is in any other status, the Work Order will automatically change to "Canceled" along with the PPN. The reason for cancellation must be entered, and the reason should be updated in the PPN description for all resulting Work Orders (if the Work Order already has a description, the reason for cancellation will be added to it).

2. APP Version

1. Create Complaint Form

Step 1: Create Complaint




Step 2: Fill in the Information

  • Reporter Department: Required

  • Department (If BPCB is a tenant): Required

  • Email (If BPCB is a shopper): Required

  • Reporter Name: Required

  • Reporter Phone: Not Required

  • Time Of Complaint Recording: Required, default is the time when the ticket is opened

  • Complaint Type: Required

=> When selecting the Complaint Type, the system will automatically fill in the corresponding Complaint Group

  • Complaint Group: Required

  • Priority: Required (Automatically generated after selecting the Complaint Type)

  • SLA: Not Required (Automatically generated after selecting the Complaint Type)

  • Functional Location: Required

  • Due Date: Required (Automatically generated after selecting the Complaint Type)

  • Work Center: Required

  • Asset/Equipment: Not Required

  • Assignee: Not Required

  • Complaint Description: Required when opening the complaint ticket

  • Result Description: Only required when closing the complaint ticket

  • Attachments: Not Required




  • After creating the Complaint Ticket, the system will automatically open a popup to create the resulting Work Order.

Step3: Create the Resulting Work Order (Reference => Add work order arises from complaint)

Fields with information from the Complaint will be pre-filled and editable.
The user selects work center, assignee, and implementer.
The implementer field can select multiple people.

Expected start time: not required to enter.



Actual start time: recorded when the PGV status changes to In Progress.




In the list of tasks generated from complaints: Click on the task you want to view.




Additionally, on the task screen, users can filter tasks generated from complaints to view the work orders arising from complaints.



2. Managing the Complaint Ticket List








3. Status Flow of Complaint and Resulting Work order

  • After creating the resulting Work Order for Complaint and having information on the Assignee or Implement, Complaint will automatically change to the "In Progress" status.

  • If the resulting Work Order changes to "Completed" (an attachment is mandatory), Complaint will automatically switch to "Awaiting Review" status.

  • Complaint can only be closed once the resulting Work Order is closed.

  • It is mandatory to enter the Result Description when changing the status to "Completed."

  • Only a Manager can close the Complaint.

  • When a Complaint is in the "Closed" or "Canceled" status, the user cannot perform any actions on the ticket.

  • Case when Complaint changes to "Canceled"
    -> If the resulting Work Order is in the "In Progress" status, Complaint cannot be canceled.
    -> If the resulting Work Order is in any other status, the Work Order will automatically change to "Canceled" along with the PPN. The reason for cancellation must be entered, and the reason should be updated in the PPN description for all resulting Work Orders (if the Work Order already has a description, the reason for cancellation will be added to it).

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