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[ENG] Energy consumption report

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Energy consumption report

Login – Energy Management – Energy Report – Energy consumption report


Energy consumption report is a document that provides information on energy usage, production, and efficiency. The report include data on electricity.

Energy consumption report

Users can filter the following information:

  • Filter by recording time period.

  • Export Excel report for energy consumption tracking.

Users can view the following information for energy consumption tracking:

  • Device name

  • Serial

  • Type- record

  • Date

  • P delivery for the period (kWh) - applicable for electricity consumption tracking, calculated as P delivery (end of period) - P delivery (beginning of period)

  • P delivery according to the current transformer ratio (kWh) = P delivery for the period * current transformer ratio

  • P reception for the period (kWh) - applicable for electricity consumption tracking, calculated as P reception (end of period) - P reception (beginning of period)

  • P reception according to the current transformer ratio (kWh) = P reception for the period * current transformer ratio

  • Total consumption (m³) - applicable for water consumption tracking, calculated as total consumption at the end of the period - total consumption at the beginning of the period.

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