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[ENG] Information and lifecycle history of asset

1.View asset list

  • Method 1: View from Asset menu

Step 1: Open the CiAMS application and log in to the system

Step 2: Click on the "Assets" button on the bottom menu bar

  • Method 2: To scan the QR code of a functional location in the CiAMS application, follow these steps:

  1. Open the CiAMS application and log in to the system.

  2. Click on the "Scan Code" icon on the bottom menu bar.

  3. Proceed to scan the QR code of a functional location.

To filter and search for assets in the CiAMS application, users can use the following conditions:

  • Search by asset code or asset name: Users can enter the asset code or asset name in the search box to perform a search.

  • Filter by asset category: Users can filter assets by asset category to search for assets that belong to a specific group.

  • Filter by functional location: Users can filter assets by functional area to search for assets that belong to a specific functional location

  • Filter by cost center: Users can filter assets by cost center to search for assets that belong to a specific cost center.

2. View the information and lifecycle history of an asset

To view the information and lifecycle history of an asset in the CiAMS application, follow these steps:

  1. Open the CiAMS application and log in to the system.

  2. Click on the "Assets" button on the bottom menu bar.

  3. Select the asset that you want to view.

  • Click on the "Details" button to view the asset information.

  • The "Information" tab displays the basic information of the asset.

  • The "Maintenance" tab displays the next maintenance plan and the history of maintenance tasks related to the asset.

  • The "Depreciation" tab displays the information related to the asset's depreciation.

  • The "Documents" tab contains the documents related to the asset.

  • The "Transfer" tab displays the history of asset transfers.

  • The "Adjustment" tab displays the history of asset adjustments.

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