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[ENG] Set up structure and equipment

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Planning structure of electricity, water and equipment

Login – Energy Management – Planning diagram of electricity, water and equipment


Planning diagram is designed for the operations department to manage all electrical and water equipment that needs to be planned and measured for electricity/water consumption on each device

1. Create a planning structure and equipment plan

The system allows users to create a planning structure

Step 1: Create planning structure

  • Code: Required (maximum limit of 64 characters)

  • Name: Required (maximum limit of 512 characters)

  • Parent location: Display parent level information

  • Label: Optional, currently there are 5 types of measurement points: Base, Transformer station, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3

  • Select planning structure : Optional

Step 2: Create equipment

  • System: Display electricity/water

  • Planning structure: Display according to the established plan

  • Equipment code: Required (maximum limit of 64 characters)

  • Equipment name: Required (maximum limit of 512 characters)

  • Current transformer coefficient: Required

  • Serial number: Required

  • Level: Optional, currently there are 5 types of measurement points: Base, Transformer station, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3

  • Integration type: Emic (automatic checkbox)/Other (manual recording)

  • Description: Optional (maximum limit of 512 characters)

  • Status: Active/Inactive

2. Operating equipment

2.1. View automatic recording information returned from Emic for the electricity system:

  • Click on "View details", users can view and operate the following parameters:

    • View information on P delivery, P reception, Q delivery, Q reception, recording type, and filter by time range.

    • Export the displayed information.

2.2. Synchronize automatic recording information from Emic

  • (1) Click on the "Synchronize" button

  • (2) Filter by a specific time range.

  • Click "Save".

2.3. Edit Equipment:

  • Click on “Edit” button

2.4. Delete Equipment:

Equipment can only be deleted if no recording value has been generated, whether it is manual or automatic recording.

If recording values have been generated, the system will not allow equipment to be deleted. Instead, a pop-up will appear with the following information: "If recording values have been generated, the system will not allow equipment to be deleted." Users can click "No" to close the pop-up.

2.5. Import/ Export Equipment

  • Import: Users upload a template file and fill in the required information, then upload it. (Note: when downloading the equipment list, do not edit the column information)

  • Export: Click to download the equipment list.

3. Print Barcode/QR code for each equipment

Step 1: Checkbox the equipment list needs to print.

Step 2: Click on "Print" and select the desired format for printing barcodes/QR codes.

Step 3: Connect the printer and print all corresponding device codes

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