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[Eng] Access Control Management

Screen Name

Access Control Management

Login – Program Management – Access Control Management


The purpose of this configuration is to manage the information that is coming in and out of the customers who are using the service.


Fields Description

(1) Search by name ACM: Enter the ACM name to search

(2) Add ACM: click on the “Add ACM” button to add an ACM and configure its information.

  • Name ACM: enter the name of the ACM that needs to be created

  • Region: select the pre-configured region information

  • Description: Enter the detailed description information of the ACM

(3) Edit: To edit the ACM information, select the icon image-20241016-102048.png on the row that needs to be adjusted

(4) Delete ACM: select the icon image-20241016-102027.png to delete unused ACM



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