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[Eng] Distribution Channel

Screen Name

Distribution Channel

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Log in – Program Management – Distribution Channel


The configuration of information channels for selling and distributing services


Fields Description

(1) To search and filter the list of sale channel: The user can enter the channel code or channel name to find the channel

(2) To add a new channel, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: On the list of sale channel screen, select the “Add new channel” button

  • Step 2: On the tab “Basic information”, enter the distribution channel code, channel name, select the type of distribution channel, and enter a description related to that channel

  • Step 3: To turn on/off the status bar to enable/disable the activity status of the new distribution channel

  • Step 4: On the “Sale channel configuration” tab, turn on/off the status bar to enable/disable the sales channel's opening status at the property

  • Step 5: On the “Sales channel configuration” tab, select the image-20241016-101851.png button to process the sales channel configuration at the property

    • [Rate configuration]

    • (1) Select "Activate all" to activate all configured rates at the property or select "Deactivate all" to deactivate all configured rates

    • (2) Users can search for rate names by entering the rate name into the search box

    • (3) Users can quickly filter price list information by selecting by "Active" or "Inactive" status

    • (4) After searching and filtering price list information in steps (2) and (3), users can enable/disable the status bar to configure the activation/deactivation of each type of price list.

    • [Service configuration] Similar to configuring price lists in the above steps, users can configure services in a similar manner to rate configuration to set up services that are sold through distribution channels at configured properties

(3) Edit sale channel: Users can edit sale channel in a similar way to adding new channels as described in step (2)



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