This screen allows users to view and configure information about the service, including user objects and usage policies
Fields Description
[To search and filter the list of services, follow these steps:]
The user can enter the service code or service name to find the desired service.
[To create and edit a service, follow these steps:]
Step 1: On the service list screen, select "Add Service".
Step 2: The system will display the new service creation screen along with three information tabs, including basic Information, ACM configuration, and combo configuration
Tab “Basic Information”: The user enters all the required information fields below, especially those marked with an asterisk (*)
Service code: Enter the code for the new service
Service name: Enter the name of the new service
User objects: Select the configured user objects including: Children, Adults, VIP, and Staff.
Category: Select the configured service category, including: Service Ticket, Combo Ticket, Surcharge Service, and Admission Ticket.
Description in Vietnamese/Description in English: The user enters a detailed description of the service. This is used for:
Content printed on paper tickets (if the service has a paper QR code)
Service description in Staff App
Ticket output format: Select the ticket output format
Paper ticket: The service will be printed with a QR code.
Card top-up: The service will display a top-up form, requiring a top-up to complete the order
If both options are selected: Both paper QR code and top-up form will be displayed. The service can be used in both formats.
Deselect all: The service will only output a bill, not a ticket
VAT: Enter the VAT percentage. If left blank, the system will default to 10%
Combo service: The user needs to determine whether the current service is a combo or not. Combo services do not have separate usage and ACM mapping; instead, they inherit the usage and ACM from their sub-services.
Standard number of uses: Enter the number of times the service can be used. Currently, the default is 1, meaning the service can only be used once.
Standard usage days: Enter the number of days the service can be used. Currently, the default is 1, meaning the service can only be used on the day of purchase.
Select 'Save'.
Tab ACM Configuration: The system will display the full list of ACM names, and the user needs to tick the boxes for the ACMs that the service is allowed to use
For service tickets, users only need to complete the ACM Configuration tab to sell and use the service..
For Combo tickets, when the user ticks the Combo Service box in the Basic Information tab, the ACM configuration section will inherit the information from the sub-services, which can be selected in the Combo Configuration tab
Tab Combo Configuration
Select 'Add Service' to add services to the Combo
Then, select the service to add and enter the usage count to complete
In case the user needs to edit the services that have been created in the system, they only need to select the edit icon and perform the necessary changes, following the same steps as creating a new service.
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