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Account Setting

Screen Name

Account Setting

Booking Portal >> Log in >>Account Setting


Used to configure personal information for the User and Agent or to change the password





Fields Description / Action

  1. Update user information:

    Select the arrow at the top right of the screen >> Account Settings >> Personal Information/Change Password"


1.1. Personal Information:

Currently, on this page, the system only allows updating two pieces of information: Name, surname, phone, country, nationality.

Other fields will be automatically updated by the system based on the information in the contract signed between the Agent and the hotel, so users will not be able to edit these items.


1.2. Change Password:

On the account settings screen:

Select 'Change Password' => The password change screen appears => Enter the current password and set a new password. Confirm the newly set password. => Choose 'Change' to save the results.

  • Note: When selecting a new password, it must adhere to:

  • At least 8 characters

  • At least 1 special character

  • Include 1 digit

  • Should not be the same as the old password

  • Include 1 uppercase letter




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