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[Eng] Add Fixed Charges

Screen Name

Fixed Charges

Log in – Front Office – Reservation – Confirmation Detail – Billing – Select “Fixed Charges


The Fixed Charges feature allows to declare recurring charges might be incurred each day of the guest’s stay so they can be automatically posted during the End of day process.


Fields Description

The Fixed Charges screen displays existing fixed charges that have been set up for the guest, and includes the following information:

  • Folio: Folio for that the fixed charge is set up

  • Transaction Code: Code from the Transaction codes list of values

  • Qty.: Quantity of the transaction

  • Unit Price: Amount of the transaction

  • Amount: Total of fixed charges = Quantity * Unit Price

  • Frequency: How often the fixed charges is to be posted to the guest’s bill.

    • Daily: Post the charge every day. Allows to choose a date range to post the charge.

    • Arrival: Post the charge on the guest’s arrival date.

    • Departure: Post the charge on the guest’s departure date.

    • Entire: Post the charge every day during the guest’s stay from the arrival to departure date.

  • Reference: Reference note when setting the fixed charges.

  • Status: Status of the transaction, e.g., Active, or Inactive

  • Apply to all bookings of the IT: Apply the fixed charges for all the reservations in the itinerary

    • For the Frequency = Arrival/ Departure/ Entire: apply for all the reservations, even if the reservation has a different arrival/departure date with the current reservation

    • For the Frequency = Daily with Date Range: Apply for the reservations having the arrival/departure date within the selected Date Range.
      For example, the group has 3 bookings:

      • Booking 1, Arr-Dept = 15/06/2021 - 20/06/2021

      • Booking 2, Arr-Dept = 17/06/2021 - 19/06/2021

      • Booking 3, Arr-Dept = 18/06/2021 - 22/06/2021

      • Setup a fixed charge for booking 1, with a daily posting from 17/06/2021 - to 18/06/2021, when applying for all, the system will apply the fixed charges only for booking 1 and 2.

Select “Add Fixed Charge” to add new fixed charge transaction


  • You can set up many fixed charges by clicking on “Add more fixed charge

  • If the Fixed charge is set up after the guest’s arrival but with the Frequency = Arrival, the system will not post this charge.

  • If the Fixed charge is set up during the Due out day but with the Frequency = Departure, the system will not post this charge.

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