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[Eng] (Add items to Order)

Screen Name


Log in – Select Outlet - New Order


After the order was created successful, select the dishes/products on the left side and all the selected dishes/products will be shown on the right side.

User can find dishes/product by using search engine on the header.

Screen - Order


Fields Description

  1. Increase/decrease the number of dishes/products

  2. Clear: delete all selected dishes/products

  3. Hold: The order won’t be sent to the kitchen. When the order is holding, user can handle another orders. User can back to the on-hold orders by select “Orders” then select tab “On-Hold”

  4. Cancel: Cancel order

  5. Send: Send all the selected dishes/products to the kitchen

  6. Print: Print temporary receipt

  7. Payment: Make payment

Click on the selected dishes/products for modification:

  • image-20240129-174753.png


  • Duplicate

  • Remove

  • Seat Number

  • KOT: Division



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