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[Eng] Advance Bill

Screen Name

Advance Bill

Log in - Front Office - Reservation - Confirmation Detail - Billing - Select “Advance Bill


The Advance bill feature allows to post in advance the lodging transaction (room charge) for guest and optionally receive the pre-payment. For the room that has been triggered the advance bill, the system will not re-post the room charge during the End of day process.


Fields Description

Enter the information of the advance bill

  • Period:

    • The whole Rest Stay: Run the advance bill for all the rest of days of the guest’s staying

    • From Date - To Date: Run the advance bill from the selected date to the selected date

  • Make Payment: Check this option if the guest wants to pre-pay the transaction

  • The grid of transaction includes the following information:

    • Transaction code

    • Date: Posting date

    • Amount: Amount of transaction

    • Type: Type of transaction

Select “Post” to run the advance bill.


The Advance bill is only enabled for the in-house reservations.

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