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[Eng] Aging Summary

Report Name

Aging Summary

Log in – Front Office – Reports – Aging Summary

Report Summary

The report displays the current outstanding balance of each Account Type by Aging Level. The report is based on the actual AR date and the selected business date to calculate the AR aging.

Report Filter

  • Account Type: Filter by the AR Account Type, you can select one or many accounts at the same time

  • Business Date: Report output may be for the current business date, any past dates, or for future dates. The default will be the current business date.

  • Report Type: Select the type of Aging Report that you want to see. The template of the report may differ according to the type.

    • All: Summary of All accounts. Each row on the report corresponds to each AR Account.

    • Type: Displays the current outstanding balance of each Account Type. Each row on the report corresponds to each Account Type.

    • Detail: Displays all the AR transactions for each account. Each row on the report corresponds to each transaction.

  • Export Type: Choose the format that you want to export the report (PDF or Excel)

Report Form

Template Aging Summary of All Accounts

Template Aging Summary by Types

Template Aging Summary Details

Column Description

Report Type = ALL

  • Account Name: Name of AR Account

  • Account No.: AR Number

  • Credit Limit: Credit Limit assigned to the AR Account

Report Type = TYPE

  • Account Type Desc: Description of the AR Account Type

  • Acct. Type: AR Account Type

Report Type = DETAIL

  • Account Name: Name of AR Account

  • Guest Name: Name of the guest on the profile that is linked to the AR Account

  • Account No.: AR Number

  • Folio No.: Number of the folio that contains the AR transaction

  • Invoice No.: Invoice Number

  • Post Date: Posting date of the AR transaction

Aging level

  • Up to 30: Total outstanding balance with debts period from 0 to 30 days

  • 31-60 Days: Total outstanding balance with debts period from 31 to 60 days

  • 61-90 Days: Total outstanding balance with debts period from 61 to 90 days

  • 91-180 Days: Total outstanding balance with debts period from 91 to 180 days

  • 180 Days and over: Total outstanding balance with debts period > 180 days

  • Total: Total outstanding balance for all periods

The report is based on the actual AR date and the selected business date to calculate the AR aging.

For example: The AR transaction is posted on 01/01

  • When viewing the report on 25/01: The balance will be displayed in column 0 - 30

  • When viewing the report on 10/02: The balance will be displayed in column 31 - 60



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