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[Eng] Alert

Screen Name


Log in – Reservation – Itinerary Number – Click on icon “Alert

Log in – Reservation – Confirmation Number – Click on icon “Alert


Alerts are displayed automatically as pop-up screens when the reservation is accessed or at check in, at check out or when opening the guest’s billing.


Fields Description

To add a new alert, select the “New” button from the Alerts screen. Provide the following information:

  • Apply all reservations: Apply the alert to all the reservations in the itinerary

  • Area: Select the area of the alert. The area determines when the alert will be displayed (Reservation, Check In, Check Out).

    • Reservation: A reservation alert is displayed whenever the reservation is accessed

    • Check In: A check in alert is displayed at the time the guest checks in

    • Check Out: A check out alert is displayed whenever the guest’s billing is opened

  • Code: Select from the Alert Code list of values

  • Description: Description of the alert. The description defaults by the description of the alert code, you can modify it as necessary.

Click “Save” to save the alert.


You can recognize the reservation having an alert by the notifications below:

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