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[Eng] Allotment List

Screen Name

Tab Allotment

Log in – Rate Service Management – Allotment – Tab Allotment


The screen allows you to manage the allotment, and the mapping to the distribution channel and rate code. You can create, edit or remove an allotment.


Fields Description

  • Select Property: Select the property in the list of properties that you have access to

  • Select an option: Select the allotment

  • Show Expired Allotment: Select this option if you want to also list the expired allotments

  • Name: Name of the allotment

  • Default Limit of Villa/Day: Default number of villa rooms that are available to sell in 1 day

  • Default Limit of Hotel/Day: Default number of hotel rooms that are available to sell in 1 day

  • From Date: Effective from date of the allotment

  • To Date: Effective end date of the allotment

  • Action:

    • Create: Create a new allotment

    • Export: Export the list of allotment

    • Add Profile: Click to select and assign an travel agent profile to the allotment

    • Add DC: Assign DC for Allotment

    • Update: Edit the details of the Allotment

    • Delete: Delete the allotment

[Create Allotment Group]

Select Create to create a new allotment

Enter the following information:

  • Code: Code of the allotment

  • Name: Name of the allotment

  • Default Limit of Hotel/Day: Default number of hotel rooms that are available to sell in 1 day

  • From Date: Effective from date of the allotment

  • To Date: Effective end date of the allotment

  • Combo Category: A category set to facilitate mapping between Profile/Rate Plan/Allotment.

  • Total Hotel Room: Total number of available rooms during the effective date range of the allotment

  • Save: Select Save to confirm creating the allotment

  • Cancel: Select Cancel to skip the creation

[Delete Allotment Group]

[Add DC] - Add DC to an allotment

  • Select button “Add DC”

Select the channels that you want to add to the allotment

  • Select Create to add the DC to the allotment



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