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[Eng] Auto Invoice

Screen Name

Auto Invoice

Log in – Front Office – E-Invoice – Auto Invoice

Log in – PMS EInvoice – Auto Invoice


The feature allows you to automatically create the invoice for the non-issued transactions.

You can select the transactions by folio.


Fields Description

[Default conditions to create an Auto Invoice]

List of folios of the checked-out reservations for the current business date that are linked with the Company/Travel Agent that are enabled the option “Auto invoice”.

  • Go to the Profile, edit the profile to enable the option “Auto invoice”

  • The profiles that enable this option will have the tag “Auto invoice” on the Profile Detail screen.

[Steps to create Auto Invoice]

Step 1: Select booking

  • Select 1 or the list of Companies/Travel Agents that are enabled the option auto-invoice to search for the folios (search by the check-out date)

  • Select 1 or the list of Folios that you want to issue the invoice

Step 2: Generate Invoices

  • Click on “Start Progress” to proceed issuing the invoices

  • The invoice is issued for each issue with the following default information:

    • Tax: will be get from the information on the Company/Travel Agent profile

    • Invoice date: default is Business Date

    • Guest Name: default is '.'

  • The invoice number will be displayed beside the progress bar when the process is done

  • If the process occurs an error, the folio that causes the error will be displayed on the screen



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