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[Eng] Cancellation List

Report Name

Reservation Cancellations

Log in – Front Office – Reports – Cancellation List

Report Summary

The report shows the list of reservations that are canceled.

Report Filter

  • Cancellation Date From: From the date when the reservations are canceled

  • Cancellation Date To: To the date when the reservations are canceled

  • Arrival Date From: From Arrival Date of the reservation

  • Arrival Date To: To Arrival Date of the reservation

  • Export Type: Choose export to the PDF or Excel file

Report Form

Column Description

  • No.: Number of records

  • Confirmation No.: Confirmation Number assigned to the reservation

  • CXL No.: Cancellation Number

  • Name: Name of the Guest

  • Company: Name of the Company

  • Travel Agent: Name of the Travel Agent

  • Room Type: Room Type assigned to the reservation

  • Arr. Date: Arrival Date assigned to the reservation

  • Nts.: Number of nights that the reservation was for

  • CXL Reason: Reason the reservation was cancelled

  • CXL Description: Description for why the reservation was cancelled

  • CXL Date: Date when the reservation was cancelled

  • CXL Time: Time that the reservation was cancelled

  • CXL by: User who cancelled the reservation

  • Rate Code: Rate code assigned tor the reservation

  • Total Rate Amt.: Total rate amount of the reservation

  • Revenue Lost: Amount of revenue loss from the reservation cancellation

  • Deposit Paid: Total amount of deposit paid on the reservation

  • Reserved by: User who created the reservation



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