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[Eng] Category - Org

Screen Name


Log in – Admin Setting - Set up - Food and Beverage - Category


List of Category


Fields Description

List of declared Category

  • #: Numerical order

  • Code: Category code

  • Level: The hierarchy of the Category, separated by a "." For example:

    • Level 1/ Level 2/ Level 3: Parent Category

    • Level 1.1/ Level 1.2/ Level 1.3: Category of Level 1

    • Level 1.1.1/ Level 1.1.2/ Level 1.1.3: Category of Level 1.1

  • Name: Category name

  • Parent Category: Adjacent parent Category of the currently viewed Category

  • Status: Active/ Inactive

  • Function button

    • Add: Add a Category that is a subgroup of the currently selected Category

    • Edit: Click to edit the information of a Category

Add new Category

  • Add/ Add any new Category

  • User can Import Category list by template:

    • Click export to get the template file

    • Add information to the file + Save the file

    • Click Import, select the saved file and execute import


It is not possible to deactivate the Categories that already have data in it (Child Categories / Products), need to deactivate the subgroups / products before deactivating itself.

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