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[Eng] Create Batch

Screen Name

Create Batch

  1. Log in - Front Office - Account Receivable - Pay Debt - Select AR transactions - Select “Create Batch

  2. Log in - Front Office - Account Receivable - Account - Select ““ - Select “Post Payment” - Select AR transactions - Select “Create Batch


The Create Batch feature offers to group a list of AR transactions to a batch to send the debt notifications to the customers (usually used for Company or Travel Agent) or to settle many transactions at the same time.


Fields Description

Step 1: At the screen Post Payment, search for the transaction that you want to group

Step 2: Select button “Create Batch

Step 3: Enter the reference note for the transaction

Step 4: Select “Submit

The system automatically creates a combined AR transactions with the total debt’s amount is the summary of the debts of all transaction that are grouped.

Un batch- Ungroup the list of transactions

Step 1: At the screen Post Payment, select 1 or many transactions that are grouped in the batch

Step 2: Select button “Un batch” to ungroup the selected transactions from the batch. The unbatched transactions will be displayed above and closed to the batch.

Clear Batch - Remove the transactions in a batch

Step 1: At the screen Post Payment, select a batch that you want to remove the transactions

Step 2: Select “Clear Batch

Step 3: At the screen Clearing Batch, select the transactions that you want to remove (1), then enter the reference note if any (2). Confirm the action by clicking the button “Clear” (3).



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