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[Eng] Daily Approval

Screen Name

Daily Approval

Log in – Approval Reports – Daily Approval


The screen allows you to check and approve the Night Audit reports after the End of day process.


Fields Description

  • Select the date to approve the report

  • No: Order of the reports (this order depends on each property)

  • Approval Report: Name of the report to get approval

    • Select the icon > to see the list of attachments

    • Note that the file contains the following format:

      • Only allows 2 characters - and _

      • The number of characters is not limited

      • Support format pdf/docx/xlsx/jpg

  • Status: Status of the approval process

    • Submitted: The staff has submitted the reports after the end of day process

    • Approved: The report is verified and approved

    • Closed: The approval process is closed

  • Assigned to: The role that is responsible for approving the report. The system will automatically assign to the next role in the process when the last assignee finishes their review.

  • Progress: Progress bar that illustrates each step in the approval process

  • Action:

    • Approve: Approve the report

    • Reject: Reject the report if this needs to be adjusted and reviewed.

  • History: You can view the history logs during the approval process.



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