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[Eng] Dashboard - FO

Screen Name


Log in – Front Office – Dashboard


This screen displays in real-time an overview and the latest update of the hotel’s activities.


Fields Description

Welcome bar

  • Username

  • Business Date

  • System Date

  • Room Class: filter by the Room Class

  • Date: filter by the Business Date

  • Click on “Refresh” to get the latest data

General information about the reservations, guests, and hotel’s occupancy

  • Arrivals Expected: Total of expected arrivals during the day, included the checked-in rooms. Click on “->“ to view the list of bookings.

  • In-house: Total of in-house reservations, included the checked-in rooms. Click on “->“ to view the list of bookings.

  • Departures Expected: Total of expected departures, included the checked-out and due out rooms. Click on “->“ to view the list of bookings.

  • Available Rooms to Sell: Total of available rooms on today

  • Total Physical Rooms: Total of physical rooms of this property

  • Queue Reservation: Total of reservations in the queue that are waiting for the check-in

  • Early Departure: Total of reservations that are checked out earlier than the expected departure

  • OOO: Total of out-of-order rooms that are not available to sell on today

  • OOS: Total of out-of-service rooms on today

  • % Occupied: Percentage of the occupancy. User can choose to view the occupancy by today or in the future.

  • VIPs: Total of arrival/in-house/departure VIP Guests

  • Guests: Total of arrival/in-house-departure Guests

Click on View Detail to see the details of guests

Room Status

A statistic by room status:

  • Vacant: total of the vacant rooms

    • Clean: vacant and clean room (VC)

    • Dirty: vacant and dirty room (VD)

    • Inspected: vacant and inspected room (VI)

    • Pickup: vacant and pickup room (VP)

  • Occupied: total of occupied rooms

    • Clean: occupied and clean room (OC)

    • Dirty: occupied and dirty room (OD)

    • Inspected: occupied and inspected room (OI)

    • Pickup: occupied and pickup room (OP)

Click on -> to redirect to the Housekeeping application.

Reservations - List of arrival and due out reservations

Contains 2 tabs: Arrival & Due Out

  • Conf. No.: Confirmation Number, links you to the reservation’s detail screen

  • Guest Name: Name of the guest, links you to the guest’s profile screen

  • Room: Room Number and Room Type

  • Rate Code: Rate Code of the reservation

Notes – Alerts of the reservations

Included the alerts that are created for the reservations (if any):

  • Conf. No.: Confirmation Number, links you to the reservation’s detail screen

  • Guest Name: Name of the guest, links you to the guest’s profile screen

  • Room: Room Number and Room Type

  • Area: when the alert will be triggered

  • Description: Description of the alert

Room Revenue

Statistics of the room revenue, food & beverage revenue, and other revenue, displayed by the bar chart.

The chart also displays the growth rate ('%') of today compared to the previous day.

  • Click on the drop-down list to select the type of revenue to display.

  • The revenue is displayed by 7 days, you can hover the bar to see the detail of revenue by day.



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