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[Eng] Edit Group Details

Screen Name

Group Reservation

Log in – Front Office – Group Reservation – Select “Edit


The screen allows you to modify the detailed information of a group reservation.


Fields Description

  • Company: Enter the name of the Company

  • Travel Agent: Enter the name of the Travel Agent

  • Group Code: Enter the code of the group

  • Group Name: Enter the name of the group

  • Start - End Date: Arrival and Departure date of the group

  • Night: Total number of room nights

  • Cutoff Date: Cutoff date of the block

  • Cutoff Day: Cutoff days of the block. During this number of days, if the block is not confirmed, the system will automatically release the inventory.

  • Status: Status of the group will be initialized by the system. When creating a new group, you can choose between 2 statuses: Inquiry & Waitlist

  • Market: Select from the Market codes list of values

  • Source: Select from the Source codes list of values

  • Origin: Select from the Origin codes list of values

  • Owner: Select from the list of Salespersons

  • Pax/Room: Select number of guests in a room

  • Print Rate: Select this option if you want to display the rate on the Registration Card

  • Elastic: Select this option if there is a reservation having a different arrival and departure date than the group

Select “Save“ to confirm the reservation or “Cancel“ to skip.


Post Master room

When changing the status of a group to “DEFINITE”, the system will automatically create a PM room (Group/Post Master).

You can view the details of the PM room in the tab Reservations.

Group Deposit

1. The deposit is only enabled when the group has the status DEFINITE.

2. When the reservation has the status DEFINITE, the PM room is created and displayed in the tab Reservation.

3. Go to the detail of the PM room (Confirmation Detail screen) and select “Go to Billing

At the Billing screen, select “Deposit” and enter the deposit amount to add a deposit for the group.

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