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[Eng] Exchanges

Screen Name


Log in – Front Office – Currency Exchange – Exchanges


The Exchanges screen allows you to manage the exchange currencies, exchange rates, exchange transactions and the history of exchange.


Fields Description

[Exchanges] - List of exchange transactions

  • Search: Search for a transaction by room number, confirmation number, guest name or exchange code

  • Posting date: Select the posting date of the exchange transaction

  • Confirmation Number: Confirmation Number assigned to the reservation

  • Room Number: Room Number assigned to the reservation

  • Guest Name: Name of the Guest

  • Currency: Currency Code

  • Foreign Amount: Amount of the exchange

  • Local Amount: Local amount (VND)

  • Actions:

Print the receipt of the transaction

Cancel the exchange transaction

[Exchange] - Currency Exchange

  • Room: Select the Room Number for that you want to post the exchange (the room should be in-house).

  • Folio: Folio of the selected room

  • Currency: Foreign Currency to do the exchange. The exchange rate of this currency should be retrieved from the list of rates provided by the bank.

  • Exchange rate: Rate of the foreign currency retrieved from the bank.

  • Amount: Amount of the exchange

  • Local Amount (VND): Amount in the local currency

  • Reference: Reference note if any

  • Print Receipt: Select to print the receipt of the exchange transaction

  • Cancel: Cancel the exchange

  • Post: Confirm the transaction. The system will post 2 corresponding transactions in the guest’s folio (with total = 0).


The exchange is only available for the in-house room (can be a physical or a PM room).

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