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[Eng] F&B Dashboard

Screen Name


Log in – Food and Beverage - Dashboard


The screen allows to view F&B Dashboard


Fields Description


  • Outlet: Filter by outlet (All outlets by default)

  • Business Date: Filter by business date (Current business date by default)


  • Total revenue by selected filter

    • Net Sales: Total net sales minus discounts (= Gross Sales - Discount)

    • Gross Sales: Total net sales (before taxes and fees, before discounts)

    • Discount: Total discounts

    • Service Charge: Total service charge

    • Special Tax: Total special consumption tax

    • VAT: Total VAT

  • Total payments received by selected filter

    • Type: type of payment

    • Check Count: number of orders in the corresponding payment type

    • Amount: Total amount in the corresponding payment type

  • Adjustment by selected filter

    • Type:

      • Item Void: Cancel item after it has been sent to the kitchen

      • Return: Return orders paid over the day

      • Re-open: Re-open orders paid today

    • Check count: number of orders in the corresponding adjustment type

    • Void Quantity: Number of items canceled/ refunded for each respective category

    • Void Amount: Cancelled/refunded value for each respective category

  • Guest information by the selected filter

    • Type:

      • In-house: Guests staying at the hotel

      • Outside: Walk-in guest

      • Total: Total number of guests using the service

    • Guest/ Average Spend:

      • Total: Total number of guests using the service

      • Amount: Average value per guest used

    • Checks/ Average Spend:

      • Total: total number of orders

      • Amount: Average value per order

  • Top 10 best-selling items by selected filters

    • Product

    • Item Quantity

    • Revenue



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