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[Eng] FnB - Create Invoice

Screen Name

Create Invoice

Log in - PMS E-Invoice - FnB E-Invoice - Create Invoice

Log in – Food and Beverage – E-Invoice - Create Invoice


Issuing VAT invoice


Fields Description


  • Outlet: Can filter by authorized outlet (configured at Application Food & Beverage >> Configuration >> User), default is displayed by the first outlet

  • Receipt Date: Receipt payment date

  • Status: Invoice status of the Receipt

    • Uncreated: No invoice created yet

    • Created: An invoice has been created, which can be viewed on the Invoice List screen. Invoices may have been successfully exported or temporarily saved

  • Search: Search by order number (Check Code)

Overview of selected receipts

  • Total value of selected receipts:

    • Check Total: The total value of all selected receipts.

    • Invoice Total: The total invoice value of all selected receipts.

    • Taxable Total: The total value before taxes and fees of all selected receipts.

    • VAT Total: The total value added tax of all selected receipts.

List of receipts with and without VAT invoices

  • #: Numerical order

  • Check Code: Code receipt

  • Payment Date: Order payment date

  • Cashier: Employee makes payment for the receipt

  • Check Total: The total value of the selected receipt.

  • Invoice Total: The total value of the invoice for the selected receipt.

  • Taxable Total: The total value before taxes and fees of the selected receipt.

  • VAT: Value Added Tax of the selected receipt.

  • VAT %: The percentage of Value Added Tax of the selected receipt.

  • Invoice: Icons showing the status of created invoices:

  • Invoice has been successfully issued

  • Draft Invoice

    • Invoice failed

  • Function button

    • Create invocie: Click to create an invoice for the receipts

Invoice the receipts

Invoice for a certain receipt

If user want to issue an invoice for a certain receipt, search for the order user need export, click the create invoice button on that invoice.

Invoice for multiple selected receipts

If user want to issue invoices for multiple receipts

  1. Select the receipts need to issue invoice

  2. Click Create Invoice >> Selected

Invoice for all receipts by selected filter

  1. Filter the date user need to invoice

  2. Filter receipts that have not yet been invoiced (Status: Uncreated)

  3. Click Create invoice >> All

Fill in the information for the invoice user need to export

After completing the above invoice creation operations, the invoice information input screen is displayed.

  • Receipts: The list of receipts is listed at the top of the screen, the first 3 receipts are displayed by default, the remaining receipts(if any) can be clicked on the quantity to see the remaining receipts

  • Invoice Information: Fill in customer information

    • Customer Name: Customer's name, required

    • Company: Customer's company name (if any)

    • Address: Customer's address (if any)

    • Tax Code: Customer's tax code (if any)

    • Email: Customer’s email (if any)

    • Note: Additional notes or remarks (if any)

    • Payment Method: Default payment method is cash/transfer, information can be edited

    • Invoice Date: The default invoice date is the current date, the invoice date can be edited

    • Description: Describe the invoice, the user manually fills the necessary information. The information filled in will be displayed in the invoice

    • Reference: Reference information of the invoice, the user manually fills in the necessary information. The information entered will be displayed on the invoice list

    • Nature: Type of service

  • The basic information of the facility is displayed on the right:

    • Property

    • Tax Code

    • Outlet

    • VAT Template

    • VAT Serial

  • Transaction List: List of displayed services details

    • Description: Description of invoiced services

    • Quantity: Quantity of services

    • VAT Value: % VAT

    • Amount: Pre-tax value of services

      • By default, transactions will be grouped into a group with a name, you can edit the information by clicking the icon.

      • Can be viewed in the form of grouping by Category or detailed by Item.

      • For grouped items (Category type), there will be a symbol like below.

  • Summary: Summary of receipt information

    • Vinpoint earned: VinID points earned (if any)

    • Vinpoint redeemed: VinID points redeemed (if any)

    • Total Net Amount: Total pre-tax value of the invoice

    • SVC: Total service charge of the invoice

    • SCT: Total Special consumption tax of the invoice

    • VAT: Total value-added tax of the invoice

    • Total Amount: Total Amount of the invoice

  • Save invoice information: Click Save to save the filled information of the invoice, which can be adjusted in the future

  • Invoice issue: Click Send >> Confirm Invoice. Invoice is sent to VNPT system and Invoice issue successfully

In addition, there will be a message to The invoice is being processing. Please do not switch or close the webrowser until it finishes.


Can not issue Invoice for successfully invoiced, need to Void before issue invoice again.

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