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[Eng] FnB - Invoice List

Screen Name

Invoice List

Login - App E-Invoice - Invoice List


Created list invoice


Fields Description


  • Outlet: Can filter by authorized outlet (configured at App Food & Beverage >> Configuration >> User), default is displayed by the first outlet

  • Issued Date: Invoice issue date

  • Status: Invoice Status

    • Sent: Invoice has been issued successfully

    • Adjust info: Invoice for adjustment of information

    • Adjusted: Invoice has been adjusted

    • Void: Issued invoice has been canceled

    • Failed: Invoice issue failed

    • Draft: Draft invoice, not yet issued

    • Canceled: Draft invoice has been canceled, not issued

    • Processing: Invoice is being processed.

  • VAT Type: Type of applicable VAT

  • Nature: Type of service

  • Search: Search by invoice number (Invoice No.)

Created list invoice

  • #: Numerical order

  • Invoice No.: Issued invoice code, invoices without code are invoices that have not been issued successfully

  • Invoice Date: Invoice issue date

  • Customer: Customer name

  • Company: Company name

  • Reference: Invoice reference information

  • Total Amount: Total invoice Amount

  • Status: Status of the invoice

  • Created Date: Invoice creation date

  • Secret Number: Code to search invoices on VNPT system

  • Action button

    • View: Review invoice

    • Adjust Info: Adjust customer information

    • Void: Cancel issued invoice

    • Canceled: Canceling draft, unreleased invoices

    • Retry: Retry the Invoice

Review the issued invoice

Review the issued invoice by clicking Action >> View

  • For issued invoices (Sent, Adjust Info, Adjusted, Void status): Review issued invoices

  • For unissued invoices (Draft, Failed status): Pop up the information input screen when creating invoices, only view the information, if user want to edit, click the Edit button.

Adjust invoice information

Adjust information for issued invoices by clicking Action >> Adjust Info

  • Fill in the information that needs to be adjusted, the system automatically proposes information for the fields (can be adjusted):

    • Description: “Adjustment of invoice information No. [adjusted original invoice number], model number [invoice model number], symbol [Invoice serial], print date [date of original invoice].” This information will be displayed on the adjusted invoice

    • Reference:“Adjustment of invoice number [adjusted original invoice number].”

  • Click Save

Cancel the issued invoice

Cancel the issued invoice (status Sent, Adjust Info, Adjusted, Void) by clicking Action >> Void >> Confirm Void

  • For invoices with Adjusted status, Void only when the attached adjusted invoices have been voided.

Cancel draft invoice

Cancel the draft invoice (Draft status) by clicking Action >> Canceled >> Confirm Cancel


Some errors and how to solve them

ERROR_PARAM : Syntax Error. Please contact the support team for help! - Solution: Contact Dev FnB team for support

ERROR_CONNECT : Connection Error. Please retry after 5 minutes - Solution: After 5 minutes press the retry button again

ERROR_INVOICE_NO : Over No Error. Please contact the support team for help - Solution: Contact Dev FnB team for support

ERROR_UNKNOWN : Unknown Error. Please contact the support team for help! - Solution: Contact Dev FnB team for support

JavaScript errors detected

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