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[Eng] FO Staff App Confirmation Details

Screen Name

Confirmation Detail

Log in – Reservation – Any Tab - Conf. No.


The screen shows all the general and detailed information of a reservation


Fields Description

[Tab Detail]

Display the general information and details of the reservation

Info Tab (1)

·         Details: display details of the reservation

·         Guest: display guest information

General information (2)

·         Mã hành trình/IT No.: Itinerary code. Click to access the Itinerary Detail screen

·         Khách chính/Main Guest: The main guest’s name of the reservation. Click on the guest’s name to go to the screen (Profile)

·         Ngày đến/Arrival: Guest’s arrival date

·         Ngày đi/Departure: Guest's departure date

·         Nights: Number of room nights

·         ETA (Estimate Time of Arrival): Expected arrival time of the guest. Choose to update your guest's estimated arrival time

·         ETD (Estimate Time of Departure): Expected departure time of the guest. Choose to update your guest's estimated departure time

·         Tình trạng/Status: Status of booking

Thông tin chi tiết (3)

·         Confirmation No.: Reservation code

·         Ref Number: Reference code

·         TA Rec Loc: Travel agent code

·         Room: Guest room number

·         Room Type: The type of room the guest is staying in

·         Persons: Total number of guests staying in the room

·         Rate: Price of 01 room night

·         Rate Code: Room rate code

·         Packages: Payment of service packages

·         Balance: The balance in the guest's payments (Folio) profile

·         Payment

·         Button function:

o    New: Create more payment methods.

o    Save.

o    Cancel.

Information about reservations/Comments (4)

Special Request (4):

·         Click Add request

·         Select special requests

·         Click Save request

·         Result:

Print Registration Form (5)

  • Click the pencil icon to sign an electronic signature

·         Click Clear to delete the signature

·         Click Done to finish signing the form

·         Click Print to print the registration form

Other information (not editable):

·         Market: Market code of the booking

·         Source: The source code of the reservation

·         Origin: Reservation method

·         Purpose of Stay: Purpose of stay of the guest

·         Company: The company of the reservation. Click “Add Company” to search and select a company from the list of companies

·         Travel Agent: Travel agent of the booking. Click “Add Travel Agent” to search and select a travel agent from the list of travel agents

·         Booker: Name of person who booked the room

·         Email: Email of the person making the reservation

·         Mobile Number: Phone number of the person making the reservation

·         Assign function button: used to assign rooms

[Tab Guests] – Guest list of the reservation

Display the list and information of the guests of the reservation

General Information (1):

·         Confirmation No.: Confirmation code.

·         Arrival: Date of arrival of the guest,

·         Number of room nights: Number of room nights,

·         Departure: Date of departure of the guest.

·         Room: number of the physical room.

·         Status: The status of the reservation.phòng.

Main guest information (2):

·         Guest Name/Full Name: The full name of the guest.

·         Status: Guest status, including:

o Verified: The guest’s name has been linked to a specific guest profile in the system.

o Unverified: The guest’s name has not been linked to a specific guest profile in the system.

  • Birthday: The guest's birthday.

  • ID Document: Guest ID number

  • Email: Customer's email

  • Phone number: Customer's phone number

  • Nationality: Nationality of the guest

  • Country: Guest's country

  • Button function:

o Link/Quick Link: In case the guest already exists in the system, allows searching and verifying the guest name with a specific profile that already exists in the system. For details see the Guest Profile Search function screen

o Check-in: Perform check-in for guests. For details, see Guest Checkin function

o Click to access the Guest Profile screen (Profile)

Additional guest list (3)

·         Guest name/Full Name: Full name of the guest

·         Status: Guest status, including:

o Verified: The guest’s name has been linked to a specific guest profile in the system.

o Unverified: The guest’s name has not been linked to a specific guest profile in the system.

  • VIP: VIP code of the guest.

  • Phone: Guest's phone number.

  • Country: The country of the guest.

  • Email: Email of the customer.

  • ID Document: The guest's identification number.

  • Button function:

o Add more guest: Add new guest information.

o Check-in: Perform check-in for guests. For details see Guest Check-in function.

o Click to edit individual customer profile.

  • Click to access the Guest Profile screen (Profile)



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