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[Eng] FO Staff App Room Assignment

Screen Name

Room Assignment

Log in – Front Office – Reservation – Tab “Unassigned”


Search and assign rooms for upcoming bookings. Allow assigning rooms to individual guests and groups


Fields Description


Search for a reservation to be assigned a room:

  • Arrival/Date: Select the arrival date of the reservation you want to assign the room to

  • Reservation code/Conf. No.& Itinerary code/IT No.: Enter the reservation code or itinerary code you want to assign a room

Select the Assign button in the reservation to assign the room:

[Room Assignment]

·         Reservation code/Conf. No.: Reservation code

·         Notes/Comments: Notes of the reservation

·         Conditions for displaying the room list:

o Highest Frequency: Sort the list of the most assigned rooms in the month

o Lowest Frequency: Sort the list of rooms assigned the least in the month

o All Room: Display the default list, sorted by physical room order from small to large

·         List of available rooms by room type: Room number + Room type + Room features + Room status (shown by color tabs with text)

Successful room assignment notification screen

  • Show check-in button


Reservations successfully assigned to the "Unassigned" Tab will automatically update the room number to the "Arrival" Tab.

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