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[Eng] Grant Card

Screen Name

Grant Card

Log in - Front Office - Confirmation Detail - Key Card

Log in - Front Office - Key Card - Grant Card

Log in - Front Office - Room Assignment - Grant Card


The Grant Card feature allows you to grant access keys for guests.


Fields Description

The system provides 3 separate ways to grant key cards for guests:

1. [Key Card] - Grant Card directly from the Confirmation Detail screen

Go to the Confirmation Detail screen and select “Key Card” button.

  1. Arrival Date & Time: Arrival Date of guest (default is the arrival date of the reservation) & Arrival Time when the guest will check-in (default is 14:00). You can change this date & time, as necessary.

  2. Departure Date & Time: Departure Date of guest (default is the departure date of the reservation) & Departure Time when the guest will check-out and the card is no longer valid (default is 12:00). You can change this date & time, as necessary.

  3. Main Guest: Name of the Main guest (default is the name on the reservation).

  4. Status: Status of the reservation (Reserved, Inhouse, Checked-out…).

  5. Select Guests: Select the guests that you want to grant key from the list of guests on the reservation.

  6. Encoder: Select the encoder device

Tap the key card above the device and select “Start to grant” to start granting the key card.

Note: The system grants the key for 1 guest at the same time. You should wait to complete granting the key for this guest to start for the 2nd guest. You can refer to the status on the progress bar.

2. [Grant Card] - Grant Card for 1 or many rooms

(Log in - Front Office - Key Card - Grant Card)

  • Find Reservation By:
    - Arrival Date: Arrival Date assigned to the reservation
    - In House: In house reservations

  • Search By: Search reservations by Itinerary Number, Confirmation No or Room No.

  • Encoder: Select the encoder device to grant the key.

  • Room: Room Number. The drop-down only shows the list rooms that are assigned to a reservation.

  • Valid Time: Validation Date & Time of the key. The default date is the arrival and departure date of the reservation. The default time is 14:00 for arrival time and 12:00 for departure time.

  • Guests: List of guests on the reservation.

Tap the key card above the device and select “Start to grant” to start granting the key card. The system will grant key by key for each room. Only 1 key is granted at the same time.

3. [Grant Key Card] - Grant Key form the Room Assignment screen

When assigning a room, you have an option to turn on/off the function “Grant Key Card” for the related room by enable/disable the toggle. The toggle is by default disabled.

If the “Grant Key Card” option is enabled, after assigning the room, you will be redirected to the Grant Card screen. All the assigned rooms in the previous screen will be displayed by default here.

Tap the key card above the device and select “Start to grant” to start granting the key card.


You should tap the correct key card of the assigned to grant key. In the case of tapping a different key, the system prompts a warning message to recheck.

In case you want to grant many cards for many guests, you can tap key by key on the device following the status shown on the progress bar.

You can only grant key for the reservation that is assigned a room number.

Each guest can be granted only 1 key card for security.

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