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[Eng] Guest Check

Report Name

Guest Check Report

Log in – Front Office – Report – Guest Check

Report Summary

The report shows the list of guests that the required data is missing, such as:

  • Title: null

  • First Name/Last Name: “tba” or ““ or null

  • ID Card Number: null

  • Date Of Birth: null or birthday < 1900-01-01 or birthday > today

  • Gender: null

  • Country/Nationality: null

Report Filter

  • From Date - To Date: Arrival Date - Departure Date

  • Group By: Group by the list of results by Itinerary Number/Group Code/Arrival Date/Reservation Status

Report Form

Column Description

  • Room No.: Room Number

  • Confirmation No.: Confirmation Number

  • Room Reservation Status

  • Name: Name of guest

  • ITI. No: Itinerary Number

  • Gender: Gender of guest

  • Nationality: Nationality of guest

  • Date of Birth: Birthday of guest

  • ID type: Type of identity document (ID/Passport/License/…)

  • ID No: Identify Number

  • Pearl ID: Account ID on the loyalty system Pearl Club

  • Arrival Date: Arrival Date of guest

  • Departure Date: Departure Date of guest

  • Group code: Code of the group reservation (if the reservation is part of a group)

  • Guest Status: Status of guest



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