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[Eng] History and Forecast

Report Name

History and Forecast

Log in – Front Office – Reports – History and Forecast

Report Summary

The report provides the past reservation activities and the reservations that are anticipated in the future, including individual guests, group reservations, occupancy, average room rate as well as total revenue in the past and in the future. The report’s output is divided into 2 parts: Statistical data and Forecast data.

Report Filter

  • From Date: Select the From Date to get the statistical and forecast data

  • To Date: Select the To Date to get the statistical and forecast data

  • Room Class: Select from the Room Classes list of values

  • Room Type: Select from the Room Types list of values

  • Include: Select the data that you want to do the statistic and forecast for.

    • Deduct non pickup: Include reservations or blocks that are deducted from Inventory

    • Non Deduct: Include reservations or non-picked up blocks that are not deducted from Inventory

    • House use: Include reservations with house use rate

    • Pseudo Rooms. Include reservations made for pseudo rooms

    • No Show: Include no show reservations

  • Sort Direction: ASC - Ascending or DESC - Descending

  • Export Type: Choose the format that you want to export the report (PDF or Excel)

Report Form

Column Description

  • Date: Date to which the statistics apply (for the selected data range from the filter). Each date will be displayed in one row on the report.

  • Total Occ.: Total of Occupied Rooms (including non-deduct, deduct; for both individual and group)

  • Arr. Room: Total of Arrival Rooms for the day

  • Comp. Rooms: Total of Complimentary Rooms for the day

  • House Use: Total of House Use Rooms for the day

  • Dep. Rooms: Total of Rooms due out this day

  • No-show Rooms: Total of No-show rooms for the day

  • OOO Rooms: Out of Order Rooms

  • Adl. & Chl.: Total of Adults and Children for the day

  • Occ %: Occupancy % = (Total Occupied Rooms / Number of Rooms in Property) x 100

  • Room Revenue: Total Room Rate Revenue for the day

  • Average Rate = Total Room Revenue / (Number of Occupied rooms - Number of House Use/Day Use/No show Room) – if the fields House Use/No Show are selected

  • Deduct Indiv.: Total of Individual reservations that are deducted from inventory

  • Deduct Group: Total of Group reservations that are deducted from inventory (the groups having Status = Definite and Tentative)

  • Non – Ded. Group: Total of Group reservations that are not deducted from inventory (the groups having Status = Inquiry)

  • Day Use Rooms: Total of Day use rooms for the day



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