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[Eng] In-House Guest List

Report Name

In-House Guest List

Log in – Front Office – Reports – In-House Guest List

Report Summary

The report lists all the guests in house.

Report Filter

  • Type of Report: Select the type of report that you want to export

    • Guest In-house: Displays all the guests in house

    • Guest In-house Complimentary: Displays the guests in house with a complimentary room rate

    • Guest In-house House Use: Displays the guests in house with a house use room rate

  • Room Type: Select from the Room Types list of values

  • Payment method: Select from the Methods of payment list of values

  • Reservation

    • Individual: Select if you want to display the individual guests

    • Group: Select if you want to display the group reservations. Select the code in the Group Codes list of values

  • VIP Only: Select if you want to display only the VIP guests

  • Sort By: Sort by Alphabetical, Room Number, VIP Code, Departure Time

  • Sort Direction: ASC - Ascending or DESC - Descending

  • Export Type: Choose the format that you want to export the report (PDF or Excel)

Report Form

Column Description

  • Room No.: Room Number assigned to the reservation

  • Name: Name of the Guest

  • Nationality: Nationality of the Guest

  • VIP: VIP Level of the Guest

  • Group Code: Code of the group reservation

  • Company: Name of the Company

  • Travel Agent: Name of the Travel Agent

  • Arrival: Arrival Date assigned to the reservation

  • Departure: Departure Date assigned to the reservation

  • ETD: Expected Time Departure

  • Room Type: Room Type assigned to the reservation

  • Adl.: Number of Adults

  • Chl.: Number of Children

  • Payment Method: Method of payment used to pay for the reservation

  • Rate Code: Rate code attached to the reservation

  • Special Request: Special requests of guests

  • Preference: Preferences of guests



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