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[Eng] Info Rate Plan

Screen Name

Info Rate Plan

Log in – Rate Service Management – Rate Plan – Info


The screen allows you to view and update the details of a rate plan


Fields Description

  • Rate Code: The code is used to identify the rate plan, and this is unique.

  • Name: Name of the rate plan

  • Description: Description of the rate plan

  • Short Description: Short Description about the rate plan

  • Internal Description: Description of the internal viewing rate plan

  • Rate Type: Type of the rate plan

    • Normal Rate: Default rate for a specific period of time. This rate type is normally used for the contract with the travel agent or static prices that do not require daily adjustment.

    • Base Rate: The rate is set by the users for different levels. This rate type is normally when you have a dynamic rate strategy by day. You should define how many levels to create the dynamic price.

    • Advanced Daily Rate: Variable daily rate for each night of the stay depends on the market demand. The pricing schedule is derived from the Daily Base Rate. This rate type is limited to be only used for property level.

  • Begin Sell Date: Begin date when the rate is available to sell

  • End Sell Date: End date when the rate is stopped to sell

  • Room Type: Select one or multiple room types. The list of room types is configured from the Channel Manager/ Room Management screen.

  • Day Use: Select this option if the rate is reserved for the day use booking that check in and check out at the same time (Min Los = 0). Note that the Day Use rate is not available on the OTA systems.

  • Allow Sell Zero Rate: Select this option if the rate is allowed to sell with zero amount.

  • House use: Rate used for bookings currently within the hotel on an internal complimentary basis

  • Complimentary: Rate used for bookings currently within the hotel on a complimentary basis

  • Market: Select from the Market Codes list of value

  • Source: Select from the Source Codes list of value

  • Min LOS (Length of Stay): Minimum length of stay of the reservation counted from the arrival date

  • Max LOS (Length of Stay): Maximum length of stay of the reservation counted from the arrival date

  • Min Advance Booking: Minimum number of days booking window that are allowed to book in advance

  • Max Advance Booking: Maximum number of days booking window that are allowed to book in advance

  • Inherit From Rate Plan: Select this option if the rate plan is inherited from an existing rate plan. Select a rate plan in the list in this case.

  • Tag: Select the tags associated with the rate plan

  • Combo Category: A category set to facilitate mapping between Profile/Rate Plan/Allotment.

  • Promotion: A promotional program.

  • Sub Promption: A sub-promotional program, accompanying the main program.

  • Other Languages: Select the language to add the details and the description for other languages (if need)

  • Deactivate: Deactivate the rate plan

  • Cancel: Cancel all actions on the rate plan information page and return to the rate plan list screen

  • Last Generate Time: Displays the last update time of the rate plan (in format DD/M/YYYY HH:MM)



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