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[Eng] Laundry Management (Staff App)

Create a new laundry bill

Create new invoice

More laundry items

Check the information

From the Laundry screen, click on create new task to create a new laundry bill:

Proceed to enter information for the laundry task:

Room number: Enter the guest's room number, the guest's information in this room will automatically appear for the Guest Name, Confirmation Number, and Itinerary Number boxes.

Invoice number: Enter the invoice number of the laundry bill the customer has filled in and signed

Recipient: Enter the recipient's information for laundry

Type of service:

  • Express

  • Regular

After entering information in the above information fields, Scroll down to have the next information fields as below:

Discounts: Choose discounts if guests enjoy

Extra: special requests added to the quest such as: Hanging on hooks, paste, folding

Attachments: Take relevant images and attach them to the task: guest clothes, laundry receipts.

Based on the photo of the physical bill and actual customer items. User enters information.

In case there is a mistake, proceed to take a photo of the customer and noted bill.

If the customer's item is free, check the FOC section as shown below:

Check the information, then Tick the Create item to complete the laundry invoice creation.

Manage and update laundry bill status

List of laundry bills

Update bill status

Post bill for customers

New laundry tasks:

Laundry tasks in progress:

From the laundry screen, you open a task to update, the detailed job screen appears as above. You can update the information fields. If this task has a status change, check the status item and select the corresponding status below:

Explanation of states:

  • New: Newly created, unprocessed task

  • Processing: Task is being processed

  • Done: Laundry is done, but not yet delivered to the customer

  • Completed: When the goods have been delivered to the customer, switch to the completed state, the system will automatically post the laundry bill to the guest's room.

  • Cancel: the task is canceled, no longer performed.

After washing the guest's clothes. The user needs to pass the status to complete.

When the status has been changed to complete, the system will post a laundry bill to the guest's room as below

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