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[Eng] Laundry Revenue

Screen Name

Revenue Report

Log in – Laundry Management – Report – Revenue


The report provides statistics on the revenue of laundry.


Fields Description

[Filter] – Filter criteria

  • Date: Filter by the requested date of laundry

  • Select the File type (PDF or Excel)

[Report Form]

  • Total Tasks: Total number of tasks

  • Total Items: Total number of items

  • Total Revenue: Total Revenue

  • #: Order number

  • Code: Code of the laundry order

  • Billing No: Number of the billing

  • Status: Status of the laundry job

  • Assignee Name: Name of the assignee

  • Created At/By: Created date/by of the task

  • Updated At/By: Updated date/by of the task

  • Items- is FOC: Details of the laundry items

  • Services: Laundry service

  • Total prices * Services

  • Discount Code: Discount code if any

  • Discount Amount

  • Discount Percent

  • Final Price: Closing price on the billing



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