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[Eng] Make new Order

Screen Name

New Order

Cirrus FnB App - Log in - Floor Plan


The instruction of making new order

Option 1: Make new order by opening available table

Step 1: Select the the available table

- In case of outside guest -> Select the party size for the table (number of guest)

- In case of in-house guest -> Select In-house then input room number and number of guest, another fields will be synchronized automatically

Step 2: Click Add to make new order

Option 2: Make new order by opening occupied table (shared table)

Bước 1: Select the the occupied table -> View Order

Step 2: Click on New Order on the right top

Option 3: Make new order for takeaway or room service

Step 1: Click New Order

Step 2: Reference Info- user can note customer name/room number or any reference information

Step 3: Click OK to make order



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