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[Eng] Master Search

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Master Search

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Master Search allows you to search and access reservations from any screens in the Front Office application. You can search for the reservation in every status.


Fields Description

[Filter] – Search criteria

You can search by:

  • IT No.: Itinerary Number

  • Conf. No.: Confirmation Number

  • Opera ID: Confirmation Number on Opera (Oracle) system

  • Guest Name: Name of Guest

  • In-house Room: Room Number

  • TA Rec Loc (Travel Agent Record Locator): Reservation Number on the travel agent’ system

  • Invoice No: Invoice Number

[Master Search Suggestion]- Suggested search results

The system auto-suggests the exact or near exact results based on the input characters:

  1. Auto-suggest list of 5 results for each type such as: Reservation/Profile/E-Invoice/AR

  2. After entering, the master search displays the results by different tabs corresponding to each type (Reservation/Profile/E-Invoice/AR).

  • Reservation: Itinerary number, Confirmation Number, Main guest name, Sharer guest name, Booker name, Booker email, Booker phone, Ref Number, TA Rec Loc, Company name/ alias, TA name/ alias, Room number.

  • Profile: Name, phone, email, Document Id, TaxNo, VinGroupID, PearlClubID.

  • Invoice: Invoice No, Confirmation No.

  • AR: AR no, AR name, AR phone, AR email, AR address, AR taxNo (For the AR, when clicking on the details, the system will ask to input Cashier ID/Password to access).

[Results] – Search results

You can click on each result to view the details.

[Tab Reservation] - List of reservations

  • IT No.: Itinerary Number

  • Conf. No.: Confirmation Number. Click to go to the Confirmation Detail screen.

  • TA Rec Loc (Travel Agent Record Locator): Reservation Number on the travel agent’ system

  • Room: Room Number and Room Type

  • Sharer: Information of sharing guests

  • Company: Name of Company

  • Booker: Information of Booker

  • Travel Agent: Name of Travel Agent

  • Rate Code: Name of Rate package

  • Transfer from: Routing from another room (if any)

  • Transfer to: Routing to another room (if any)

  • Reference number: Reference Number

  • Opera ID: Confirmation Number on Opera (Oracle) system

[Tab Profile] - List of Guest Profile

  • Guest Name: Name of Guest

  • Company Name: Name of Company

  • Email: Email of Guest

  • ID Document: Identity of Guest

  • VinID: Serial of VinID card

  • Phone: Phone Number of Guest

  • DOB: Birthday of Guest

  • Address: Contact address

  • Country: Country

[Tab E-Invoice] - List of E-Invoice

  • Invoice No.: Invoice Number

  • Conf.No: Confirmation Number

  • Profile Name: Name of Guest

  • Company: Name of Company

  • Gross amount: Amount of invoice

  • Tax Number: Tax Number

  • Phone: Phone of Guest

  • Email: Email of Guest

  • Payment method: Method of Payment

[Tab AR] - Danh sách các thông tin công nợ

  • AR No: AR Number

  • Email: Email of Guest/Company

  • Phone: Phone Number of Guest/Company

  • City

  • Country

  • Tax number


You can use the shortcuts “Alt + 1”, “Alt + 2”, “Alt + 3”, “Alt + 4” to move between 4 tabs Reservation, Profile, E-Invoice, AR (for Windows) and Option 1,2,3,4 (for MacOS).

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