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[Eng] Multiple Transfer

Screen Name

Multiple Transfer

Log in – Front Office – Reservation – Confirmation Detail – Billing – Open ““  menu and select “Transfer


The Multiple Transfer feature allows you to transfer multiple transaction to another folio of the same of different reservations.


Fields Description

Information of the origin folio:

  • Confirmation Number and Room Numer

  • Folio: Select the origin folio

  • Trx. Code: Select the transaction(s) that you want to transfer. Let it empty if you want to transfer all the transactions in this folio.

Information of the destination folio:

  • You can choose to transfer to a room or to a reservation

  • Room: Room Number

  • Confirmation: Confirmation Number

  • Folio: Select the folio to where you want to transfer the transaction(s)


You cannot transfer the payment or AR.

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