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[Eng] New Account

Screen Name

New Account

Log in – Account Receivable – Account – Select “Create


The screen allows you to add a new AR Account.


Fields Description

Enter the following information to create a new account:

  • Account: Account Code

  • Account Name: Name of account

  • Account Type: Select from the Account Types list of values

    • Company

    • Government

    • Travel Agent

    • Individual

    • Internal Account

    • Online Travel Agent

    • Credit Card

  • Profile: You can search for and link this account to an existing profile. An AR Account can be linked to one or many profiles.

  • Phone: Phone Number of the Company/Travel Agent

  • Email: Email of the Company/Travel Agent

  • Tax Number: Tax Number of the Company/Travel Agent

  • Address: Address of the Company/Travel Agent

  • Country: Select from the Countries list of values

  • City: Enter the name of the city



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