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[Eng] Nigh Audit Routine

Screen Name

Night Audit

Log in – Front Office – Night Audit – Night Audit Routine


The Night Audit Routing screen allows you to run the end of day process.


Fields Description

General information:

  • Business date

  • Routine: Procedures when running the end of day process

  • Progress: Status of each step when running the end of day process

    • Complete: The step is completed

    • Pause: The step is pending waiting for rechecking and fixing the missing information requested by the system

  • Total Progress: Total progression of the routine

Steps of Night Audit routine

Step 1: Guest Check - The system verifies the guests’ information

  • At this step, the system requests you to enter all the mandatories fields of the guests such as: title, last name, first name, DOB, ID card type, ID card number, nationality, country and “Submit” to continue the procedures.

  • Click on “Continue” to skip this step and continue the procedures.

  • Click on “Close” to stand by the procedures.

Step 2: Arrivals Not Yet Checked In - The system verifies the due-in but not checked-in reservations

  • Select “Arrival List” to go to the Tab Arrival (Reservations) to recheck the not checked-in reservations

  • Select “Mask as No Show” to move all the due-in reservations from status “Reserved” to “No Show

  • Select “Back” to stand by the procedures

Step 3: Departures Not Checked Out - The system verifies the due-out but not checked-out reservations

Step 4: Post Room Rates & Package - The system posts the room rates transactions and packages charges transactions

Step 5: Post Fixed Charge - The system posts the fixed charges transactions

Step 6: Change Reservation Status - The system changes the status of reservations to the appropriated status

Step 7: Print Final Report - The system prints the end of day reports to PDF files

Step 8: Roll the Business Date - The system rolls the business date to the next day



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