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[Eng] Noshow

Report Name

No Show

Log in – Front Office – Reports – No Show

Report Summary

The report lists reservations that were due to arrive today but were not canceled, and the reservation was not canceled during the Night Audit process.

Report Filter

  • From Date: Select the From date for the No show date range

  • Export Type: Choose the format that you want to export the report (PDF or Excel)

Report Form

Column Description

  • Room No.: Room Number assigned to the reservation

  • Confirmation No: Confirmation Number assigned to the reservation

  • Name: Name of the Guest

  • Company: Name of the Company

  • Travel Agent: Name of the Travel Agent

  • Arrival: Arrival Date assigned to the reservation

  • Departure: Departure Date assigned to the reservation

  • R. Type: Room Type attached to the reservation

  • Rate Code: Rate Code attached to the reservation

  • Rate Amount: Amount applied to the reservation

  • Night: Total of room nights that were a no show

  • Payment: Method of payment used to pay for the reservation

  • Potential Revenue: Amount of potential revenue the no show reservation was for the property

  • Deposit Paid: Amount of deposit that has been paid on the reservation (if any)



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