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[Eng] Package Ledger

Report Name

Package Ledger

Log in – Front Office – Reports – Package Ledger

Report Summary

The report provides a detailed breakdown of all package charges for each room (posted during the End of day process).

Report Filter

  • Business Date: Select the date to export the data

  • Group By:

    • Transaction Code

    • Room Number

  • Export Type: Choose the format that you want to export the report (PDF or Excel)

Report Form

Column Description

  • Date: Posting Date of the transaction

  • Time: Posting Time of the transaction

  • Room No.: Room Number assigned to the reservation

  • Rate Code: Rate Code assigned to the reservation

  • Name: Name of the Guest

  • Trn. Code: Transaction Code

  • Traction Description: Description of the transaction

  • Supplement: Supplement note if any

  • Debit: Amount of the room rate and breakdown package revenue

  • Credit: Inverse amount of the room charge revenue group 9999

  • Cashier: Cashier account used when running the Night Audit

  • User: User who runs the Night Audit routine



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