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[Eng] Product List

Screen Name

Product List

Log in – Food and Beverage - Menu - Product List


The screen allows to manage list of products


Fields Description

Product list screen is made up by following sections:

  • #: Sequence number

  • Code: Product code

  • Name: Product name

  • Short Name: The name is displayed on the POS / tablet and the bill, proposing a limit of 20 characters to fit enough to print the bill. If it is more than 20 characters, the item information on the bill will automatically go down the line causing aesthetic loss.

  • Item Price: The price of the product is calculated before the service fee, special consumption tax and value added tax

  • SVC: The service charge of the product - (Only HO Level can edit this field in admin setting application)

  • SCT: The special consumption tax of the product - (Only HO Level can edit this field in admin setting application)

  • VAT: Value added tax - (Only HO Level can edit this field in admin setting application)

  • Total Price: The price of the product is calculated after the service fee, excise tax and value added tax

  • Category: parent category of this product

  • Status: Active/ In-active

  • Action

    • Edit: Click to edit information

Update any product

  • Update any product

    • Editable fields not include Code, Name, category

    • Input Price included fees and taxes: Check to input total price, uncheck to input item price

    • Condiments: Select groups of dishes served with the main course. List of side dish groups created in Product Modifiers, tab Condiments

    • Options: Select the group of requirements that usually come with when choosing a main course. List of options created in Product Modifiers, tab Options

  • Able to updates by importing product lists by template: Click here

    • Click export to get a template

    • Update information to file + Save file. Note: do not change the code, name, category code and tax values of the product

    • Click Import, and upload saved file



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