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[Eng] Product Options

Screen Name

Product Modifiers

  • Tab Options

Đường dẫn (Open Link)

Log in – Food and Beverage - Menu - Product Modifiers - Options


The screen allows to manage the group of requirements that usually come with when choosing a main course


Fields Description


  • #: Sequence number

  • Code: Option code

  • Group Name

  • No. Items Applied: the number of item requires this option

  • Action:

    • Add an option from the selected group

    • Edit: Click to edit the information of the option group

    • Delete: Click to delete option group

  • Click on the group name to see a list of requirements belonging to the selected group with: Code, Name

Enter following information to add new option:

  • Code: Option code

  • Name: Option name

  • Min Qty/Item: The minimum quantity in the group must be selected for 1 product. If the minimum quantity = 0, the product does not require selecting the option.

  • Max Qty/Item: The maximum quantity is selected in the group for 1 product. If the maximum quantity is blank, the product can optionally select the option

  • Status: Active/Inactive

  • Applying to Items: Select the products associated with this option (When selecting products on tablets / POS machines, options will be displayed for users to choose)

    • Category: filter by category

    • Item List: List of products filtered by product group above

    • Selected Items: List of selected products with option

  • Able to import the option with the template: Click here

    • Click export to get a template

    • Add information to file + save file

    • Click Import and upload saved file


Do not support importing applied products, encourage manual selection on the Web Portal screen to ensure accuracy

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