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[Eng] Profile Detail

Screen Name

Profile Detail

Log in – Front Office – Profiles – Select button “View” or double click on each profile


The Profile Detail allows to view the details of a guest’s profile.


Fields Description

The Profile Detail screen is made up of the following sections:

  1. Tab Profile: Details of the profile

  2. Tab Document: Attachment documents

  3. Tab Stay History: History of guest’s stay

[Tab Profile] - (1)

[Personal] - Personal information

  • Title: Title of guest

  • Alias Name: Shorten of guest

  • First Name: First Name of guest

  • Last Name: Last Name of guest

  • Gender: Gender of guest

  • DOB (Date of Birth): Birthday of guest

  • Email: Email of Guest/Company/Travel Agent

  • Phone: Phone Number of Guest/Company/Travel Agent

  • Address: Address of Guest/Company/Travel Agent

  • City/State

  • Postal Code

  • Country

  • Payment method: Primary method of payment

  • Card No.: Serial number of the credit card

  • ID: Identity Number

  • Nationality

  • Website: Website URL of Guest/Company/Travel Agent

  • AR No.: AR Number (if any)

  • Distribution channel: Distribution channel of this profile for this property

[Loyalty] - Information about guest’s loyalty

  • VIP: VIP Code of guest

  • Vin ID: ID of guest on the loyalty system VinID

  • First Stay: Date of the first visit of guest at this chain

  • Last Stay: Date of the last visit of guest at this chain

[Preference] - Preferences of guest

This section is only enabled for individual guest profiles. For example: Interests, Allergy, Belief, Room Features…

[Tab Document] - Attachment documents (2)

You can upload the document (for example: ID/Passport/License…) by drag and drop or choose the file from the computer.

[Tab Stay History] - History of guest’s stay (3)

  • Property: Name of the property where the guest stays

  • Conf. No.: Confirmation Number of the reservation

  • Time: Staying period

  • Room type: Room Type of the reservation

  • Revenue: Total revenue of this stay

  • Room No.: Room Number

  • Special request: Special request of guest



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