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[Eng] Quick Task Name

Screen Name

Quick Task

Log in – Task Management – Configuration – Quick Task


The feature allows you to quickly create a new task, you can pre-define and configure the Quick Task for each department.


  • Create a template of task with the pre-defined information

  • Create a task with a pre-defined SLA

  • Get notification if the SLA is going to overdue


Fields Description

  • Search by keyword: Search the tasks by code or name of the task

  • Department: Select the department

  • Name: Enter the name of the quick task

  • Code: Enter the code of the quick task

  • Actions:

    • Add (Create Task Template): Create a new quick task

    • Edit: Edit the details of the quick task

    • Delete: Delete the quick task

Create Task Template

  • Department: Select the department

  • Code: Enter the code of the quick task

  • Task name: Enter the name of the quick task

  • Mission List: Select the check list that will be followed when creating the task.

Edit Task Template

  • SLA: The SLA will be pre-filled for the task.


The task template can be used to create the jobs that often happen during the operations of the department along with the default SLA.

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