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[Eng] Rate Dashboard

Screen Name

Rate Dashboard

Log in – Rate Service Management – Dashboard


The dashboard provides an overview of the total number of bookings, the occupancy and the top selling allotments of the property by chart.


Fields Description

Filter criteria

  • Select the property that you want to show the chart

  • Select the date

  • Select the zone of room

    • HTL/ Hotel: Hotel room

    • VLS/ Villa: Villa room

  • Select the Allotment category

    • Group booking

    • Hard Block

    • Soft Allotment

The dashboard provides the following charts:

  • Total Booking by Date: displays the total number of pickup rooms, non-pickup rooms and the CAP (maximum capacity for sale of the property) for each day

  • Occupied of next 30 days: displays the %occupancy in the next 30 days

  • %Occupied for a business date: displays the %occupancy for the current business date

  • Top 10 Allotments Big Sale: displays the top 10 selling allotments, detailed by pickup, non-pickup room, and the limitation for sale.

  • Top 10 Profiles Big Sale: displays the total number of pickup, non-pickup rooms of the top 10 profiles



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