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[Eng] Rate Plan List

Screen Name

Rate Plan

Log in – Rate Service Management – Rate Plan


The screen lists all the rate plans that are configured for the property.


Fields Description

  • Rate Code: The code is used to identify the rate plan, and this is unique.

  • Name: Name of the rate plan

  • Rate Type: Type of the rate plan

  • Begin Sell Date: Begin date when the rate is available to sell

  • End Sell Date: End date when the rate is stopped to sell

  • Status: Active/Inactive

  • Actions:

    • Edit: Edit the details of the rate plan

    • Toggle: Change the status of the rate plan

    • Copy: Copy from an existing rate plan

    • Delete: Delete the rate plan


  • Gen Rate Property: Synchronize the last update for all the rate plans of the property

  • Gen Rate: Synchronize the last update for the selected rate plans

  • Create: Create a new rate plan

  • Import: Upload a list of rate plan by using a template

[Filter] - Filter criteria

You can search for a rate plan by:

  • Rate Code: Code of the rate plan

  • Rate Type:

    • BAR: Best Available Rates

    • Advance Daily Rate: Variable daily rate for each night of the stay. The pricing schedule is derived from the Daily Base Rate

    • Base Rate: Base rate from that the Advance Daily Rate is derived

    • Public Rate: The Public Rate does not vary by day

  • Status of rate plan

  • The tags configured in the rate plan

  • Show expired rate plan, you can activate/inactivate by clicking on the toggle

[Result] – Search results

Display the list of rate plans that match the search criteria


For the rate that inherits from the parent rate, the rate type should be the same as the parent.

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